
 1. A set is like 3 tricks put together As one flowing peace ! So like  A very clean international 3 Fly , with the hands staying entirely separate for the first two phases. This features a really nice backfire-style kicker and flows smoothly into two subsequent routines, culminating in an unexpected transfer of all three coins to the performer’s pocket. Three hard-hitting tricks in one, and a good basic foundation in the use of the gaff. 

 The 2 Th. set is 3  International Matrix Routines: Three effects that work well individually, or flow together very smoothly into a single routine. The classic Matrix concept, performed with a decreasing number of cards and some backfire endings. A terrific lesson in routine structure and another well conceived application of the Cerberus set. 
 the 7 Th.  routine is Merlin the Alchemist: This is a really nice sequence, making excellent use of the Cerberus set’s visual potential. It starts off with something of a Spellbound flavor, but then veers hard left with some beautiful transformation effects that occur instantly as the coin is lifted from the tabletop at the magician’s fingertips.
The 8 Th. Routine Is A  3 Coins Through Table: Some very creative handling of the gaff here allows specific coins to pass individually. There’s a very pretty backfire ending and double-kicker to clean up!
No. 9 is Succession Reverse: A different angle on the Matrix idea, with the twist that the Cerberus permits multiple coins to travel simultaneously. One coin joins another, both jump instantly to the third, then all three hop to join the last. Finally, all four coins leap back to their starting positions.
And No. 10 is a Succession Assembly: Again, multiple coins pass simultaneously, but the addition of a Vanish of the 4 coins back  into a purse brings a beautiful circularity to the effect.
Cerberus  international coin routines  
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