這組gaffed coin是Craig petty設計的,應該是2008年的產品吧? 前幾天才拿到。
我覺得Craig petty在教學很有誠意。
Gaffed coin也不錯,唯一一個令人詬病的是,教學中craig用的shell是真幣,但是盒中所附的shell是stamped shell(也就是非真幣做的shell,
至於最重要的C/S Flipper,做工不錯! 銀的部分是flipper,屬於有溝槽的那種flipper版本。
另外也誠意的附上其他三枚matching coin甘迺迪。
比較重要的點是,這個套組另外的兩枚matching coin,銅幣與古幣是可以被shell覆蓋的(有銷過邊的),要不然銅幣一般是比甘迺迪大一點點。
2022 Greg又出了新款的mirage,基本上只是將假殼幣換成真殼幣
古錢幣換得好一點。看來是請Roy cuepper做的。其他錢幣都跟之前相同。
Penaskin - A 5 phase routine where coins penetrate through the hand of the performer. Each penetration becomes more visual until the final phase which happens in the spectator's hand.
IRM - Craig's favourite effect for Trade Show's, this routine has it all. An international matrix with a reverse kicker that you WILL use. The best part? Its really easy!
Wild Hanging Coins - The perfect stand up wild coin. Three silver coins are produced, one by one change into copper and then finally vanish into thin air. This one is pure eye candy.
Silver Switch - Copper and Silver on steroids. A multi phase copper silver routine which happens in the spectator's hands. As a kicker finale both coins vanish into thin air.
Impossible Coins Across - Craig's commercial stand up coins across routine. Each phase gets more and more deceptive until all four coins have jumped from one hand to another.
Mirage Box - A true reputation maker which has to be seen to be believed. Four coins jump into and out of a small brass box with each moment of magic becoming more impossible.
Hide and Seek Coins - A combination of coins across and a coin assembly with a chinese coin, a copper coin and a silver coin. As a finale the coins are used to find a selected playing card from a pack of 52 cards.
- Several different vanishes
- Mickey Mouse Move
- Gesticulated Change Over
- Multiple Click Pass
- Silent Multiple Coin Palm Transfer
- Shuttle Pass
- L'Homme Mask
- Hand Wash with Pinch Production
- Ramsey Subtlety
- Various Sleights Specific to the Mirage Gimmick
因為網路上幾乎買不到新貨了,好像已經絕版。所以這組是在魔術咖啡論壇看到有人賣backup set才收到的。